Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among men with whom He is pleased." Luke 2:14
Peace on Earth is indeed God’s intent, but not some feel-good kind of peace whose true depth has been bleached out by too much holiday tradition. It is a peace in the midst of an evil onslaught against our souls from the enemy below, and enmity with a righteous God above. In the midst of this conflict the angels herald peace on earth as God steps in - born as a child - to show just how close He will descend to save. His tidings offer victory over darkness and an amnesty for those who would seek peace with Him. But the peace is conditional on the unconditional surrender of us, the merry gentlemen.
Remember Christ our Savior. It is not the child in the manger who brought peace but the sacrifice that He made some 33 years later as the Messiah on the cross. His birth was the introduction of His mission, and His death, burial and resurrection accomplished peace for those who would respond.
Saved from Satan’s power. There is an enemy of our souls and of humanity who desires to wreak total chaos and death. The devil’s left hand seemingly causes destruction while his right hand gives a false peace that there is neutrality and moral relativism. And mankind runs back and forth from darkness to false light like confused sheep without a shepherd.
We have gone astray. But relativism is a lie. There is light and darkness, truth and falsehood, right and wrong. And it is only those who are initially dismayed at their poor condition before God who can appreciate the true tidings of comfort and joy heralded some 2000 years ago and echoed till this day. These are those “with whom He is pleased.”
"God bless us, every one!" Timothy Cratchit